Rachel's Favorites!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Build-a-Bear and Dressing up...

My aunt, Ale, is going to be having her baby sometime soon...and over spring break her family came up (from Mexico) to visit! We wanted to make a special day for her little sister, Natalia, who is 10 years old...we decided to take her to Build-A-Bear at the mall...with my cousin, Becky too! She had lotsa fun choosing her bear and just hanging out at the mall...

After we went to the mall, we rented Enchanted! The girls had a lotta fun watching that, and wanted to dress up like princesses afterward! So they went upstairs and dressed up and played
with their hair and make-up.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


I'm 15 now...(yeah i know scary!) but being 15 I get more responsibilities...this is when your "officially" expected to be mature, when you're Hispanic you have a quincenera and...you can get your PERMIT!!!

I can now officially drive, with an adult in the car of course! I was so excited that i passed the test! But i have been a little scared to drive! (my dad doesn't like me driving the lawn mower anymore, because i run into things...so how am I gonna be able to drive??) My dad actually took me driving today! (My mom would have a heart attack if she was in the car with me!) We were just around the neighborhood...it was fun but I was really nervous too!! I did pretty good...its just turning...I have to stay in MY lane, I have to turn slowly, I have to slow down...you know the drill! But its a lotta fun! I hope that I'll be out on the rodes soon! That'll be fun!